Remember Me Wiki
Remember Me Wiki

Citizens are the human inhabitants of London, and the primary prey of vampire Jonathan Reid.

Many citizens are affected by the recent war, the Spanish flu epidemic, or the unexplained deaths occurring in London. Unlike vampire hunters, few citizens – if any – are aware of the existence of vampires.

After becoming a vampire, Dr. Jonathan Reid's thirst for blood compels him to kill innocent people. Feeding from and killing human citizens is the most efficient method to grow stronger. Who he kills is determined by the player, and the game does not force the player to kill.


There are around 60 citizens to interact with in the game, and according to the developers, they can all be killed by Jonathan Reid. Killing an NPC yields XP, the amount of which depends on their blood quality; if the human has an illness, blood quality will be poorer, and lower blood quality yields less XP. Reid can heal injured or sick NPCs with medicine, which will help raise the blood quality. The XP gained from feeding on a human can unlock new vampiric powers or strengthen those already unlocked.

It is possible to complete the game without killing a single NPC, but at the cost of Reid being severely underpowered. One of four endings can be unlocked if Reid completely avoids killing any NPC during the course of the game.

Killing an NPC will also have an effect within their social circle, which can include anywhere from two other citizens to the remainder of the district's population. It can also lock off quests that the NPC would have given in the future.


Pillars are ostensibly the most important people within a district, influencing a much wider circle of people than ordinary citizens. The stability of the district can be critically altered depending on the pillar's actions, or actions taken against the pillar.

List of citizens[]


Pembroke Hospital[]

East End Docks[]

West End[]
